Impact Reading was simply a working title for the Network of Christian Charities in the Greater Reading area, from Foodbank to Counselling,; subsidised Furniture to Debt Advice;  Homeless Drop-in to fighting Exploitation.

With the demise of “Impact Reading” as an entity some of the Charities which were already working more closely together in South Reading formed “Whitley SALT“. This was a somewhat stronger coming together of Charities under one umbrella name, using a Common Assessment Form to enable each organisation to signpost anyone they come into contact with around a range of possible needs.

SALT – Social Action Linked Together was a prototype to see whether greater co-operation has benefits for all concerned. Some organisations have a more frontline contact with the public and are better placed to signpost.   A fine example would be a debt counsellor placing an order for a series of food parcels.

Have a look at: the website while it still exists, since SALT too has been superseded by TORCH which sets out to do much the same thing but right across Reading:-

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