The concept that God would create a place such as hell, however you imagine it, is hard for anyone to accept, especially if God is a loving Father, why would he allow eternal suffering for even the vilest of human beings.
I love the idea that perhaps Hell doesn’t exist, or that everyone’s religion could be right for them or if you’re a good person in this life then you’ll go to Heaven; but the more I read the Bible the more I know this just isn’t true.
In all of my idealistic hopes for eternity, I simply can’t stray from the fact that Heaven is real, and Hell is too, whatever it is like or means. And we’re going to one of them.
The GOD dilemma
Most people would agree that even in human terms certain behaviour is unacceptable and should be “punished“. Scale that up if you will to God who is perfectly righteous. He cannot allow SIN to go unpunished or indeed even exist in His creation.
The incredible fact is that although we deserved “eternal death”, He could not countenance that happening to us. Imagine for a moment a mother or father in a courtroom hearing the judge pronounce the death sentence on their son or daughter. Would they not cry out, “No, take me instead!”
That of course brings us back to why Jesus died in our place to free us from the consequences of our sin, He was punished. We walk free!
For an audio description of why Hell is necessary listen here or watch this short film
Jordan Peterson speaks about love, hell and God.
The picture below contains a link to a very good article on the subject. The writer themselves says:-

Malc Peirce – founder of “The Cross in Town”
Another good explanation as to why Christians should believe in hell can be found here.