We do find that people often get hung up on what they think the book of Genesis teaches. That usually means that they haven’t looked any further into the teachings of the Bible.
If you came through the English school system you will have sung “Who put the colours in the rainbow, etc” in assembly and then gone back to class where you were taught that the answer was evolution!
I first seriously questioned when dinosaurs died out when I saw this engraving in Chambord Castle. It is

You could argue that it is an odd representation of a crocodile, but it is clearly meant to be a “fire-breathing” dragon. That brings us to the question where did all the dragon “myths” originate? Is it not simpler to argue that such animals actually existed within human memory?

Much more ancient examples of engravings exist, way before any sort of archaeology and study of fossils.

But such “evidence” receives a classic denial by Wikipedia relating to the Ica Stones. Explanation – modern forgeries!
The same would be suggested of the latter.

But what about cave art?

A very good article exists here, but you will have to overcome the inclination to dismiss it because it is quite long!https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dinosaurs-historical-record-john-jensen-jr-/
Then there’s the Egyptians

There’s enough here to at least raise questions as to exactly when dinosaurs died out.
Here’s an extended discussion of Dinosaurs and Noah’s Ark