Charities and agencies from across Reading have come together to make people aware of the work that is done for homeless people across the town.
World Homeless Day – 10th October
People are being asked to consider donating to Charities rather than giving money to people begging on the streets.
Below are links to the Charities taking part in the day. All charities & agencies marked with an * are part of Reading Borough Council’s Housing Pathways Scheme

St Mungo’s Reading Street Outreach Team supports people who are rough sleeping in Reading We help to move people off the streets by providing support and advice around housing, health, drug and alcohol use and reconnection. *

Food distribution in the town centre most evenings run by FAITH Christian Group in conjunction with the Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin, The Butts

Drop-in for food & clothing, with washing facilities, internet access and much more. Used by other local homeless agencies for “surgeries”

“HOLT Nurses” Health Outreach Liaison Team – physical and mental health nursing outreach to homeless people

Lifehouse – accommodation & support services for the homeless – in partnership with Salvation Army Churches *

housing over 140 disadvantaged and vulnerable people
helping single parents, families, couples and individual;
providing a drop-in advice service and floating support *

Reading Minster Church
Late night place of safety for clubbers providing First Aid as well as tea and biscuits and a quiet place to reflect. This is also used by the Street population.
Weeknights the church hosts “ReadiStreet“

“A bed for the night” is a winter months night shelter run by FAITH Christian Group housed in church buildings across Reading. The shelter runs on a nightly rota system.

Health Outreach Liaison Team
physical / mental health nurses

run by FAITH Christian Group, aimed mainly at people with housing, is able to provide “no cooker” parcels for people rough sleeping or temporary accommodation.