Arrived at my new home. They suspect nothing. Seem pleased to see me. Tiled floor to pee on. That’ll be handy. Laminate floor to skid on. Excellent. Usual food, that’s good.
I’ll soon have them trained.
Darn it, they do that thing where you have to sit or lie down before you get a treat.
Oh no, they’ve bought a cage! They call it a “crate”. That’s a euphemism. I know a cage when I see one, But at least that annoying little Yorkie isn’t allowed in it, which is a plus and I get to eat my meals in bed. Cool!
Not bad then I suppose.

16th December – Day 2
Apart from the Yorkie (Cadbury’s had the right idea!) things are looking promising. I didn’t enjoy last night very much, went on for ever and I don’t much like being in this cage! But Master and mistress came down eventually and we were back to exploring the house and the garden. They seem to love it when I pee on the lawn! They didn’t even get the mop out, let alone the tissue!

17th December – Day 3 -Tuesday
So, free treats as long as I either sit or lie down. Got that sorted. They’re even nice enough to show which they want. I’m easy. Free food.
Cars! Don’t like cars. He put me in his today for a while. Didn’t seem to go anywhere, just got out again and went indoors. Strange man! Humans eh?
And we keep going in the garden. What for I don’t know but he seems to like it. Me? I’ll just sit under the table thanks and chill.
18th December – Day 4– Wednesday
She stayed home for a while today till he got back. It’s very peaceful here. A bit scary when we go out for a walk. He took me out in the dark last night. There was another puppy like me out there with no human. It wanted to play but he picked me up and wouldn’t let us. Meanie!
19th December – Day 5 – Thursday
He discovered today that if he’s silly enough to throw my ball away I’ll only go an get get it back. He kept on doing it though and saying “fetch”. Whatever, let’s hope he doesn’t realise and just keeps doing it. Good game. Think I’ll lie down for a while.
I love the garden. He seems to spend quite a lot of time out there and in a cupboard, strange behaviour.
20th December – Day 6
Lots of new toys, playing and lounging about. Two nice walks. Not a bad day all in all. he spent a lot of time building cupboards.