That sermon!

On the face of it a sermon calling for compassion on particular groups in society.

However when you begin to get behind the rhetoric what do you have?

A fresh divisiveness! An attempt to pull on emotions for those who now allegedly are fearing for their lives!

One reaction is well put here

“Jesus loves people. He loves you. He loves me. He loves illegal immigrants. He loves kids who are confused about their gender. His heart is merciful toward us. But loving every person does not mean He loves every idea or every action. Mercy doesn’t look like capitulating to ideologies that lead to harm. Mercy looks like intervening to stop the harm from happening, and it’s precisely that intervention that Bishop Budde was standing staunchly against in her speech. She framed the whole thing as love, of course, but the brand of love she was peddling wasn’t love at all, and that’s why it vexes me.

You should be able to step foot in a Christian church and find that the leaders are pointing you toward Jesus and the truth that can save.

Jesus says, “Come as you are,” not “Stay as you are.”  Faithful Christian leaders lovingly encourage their congregants to surrender their sins to Jesus and allow Him to transform them from the inside out. To be a Christian is to be willing to change. It means your identity is in Him, not your sexual preferences or rebellion against the material reality of your sex. “

Well he did it.

Here we are then in a second Trump term. Will he prove to fulfil the fears or the promises?

He certainly hasn’t hung around in implementing many of the popular policies that he ran on. More than can be said for the U K Prime Minister who it seems was 21 on the list of national leaders Trump needed to phone!

Personally I fear that some of his policies will have negative effects rather than the positives hoped for. Only time will tell.

What strikes me as weird is all the negative, fearful reactions to the arrival of a man who has already been President for four years.

Although pulling back on some of the rhetoric around making Abortion illegal J D Vance has made declarations about supporting those who choose not to terminate pregnancies.

Trump & Israel

I get asked why Trump and not Biden / Harris.

On Israel ….

Four years ago, relations between the United States and Israel were at an all time high after Trump brought tremendous change to the two countries’ bonds. This quickly changed to a new low after the Biden/Harris administration took power.

Under Biden, U.S. sanctions were lifted from Iran, empowering them to attack Israel in various ways. Not only that, but the Biden administration claimed the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria were illegal under international law, which is the opposite of what the Trump administration stated in the historic Pompeo Doctrine. The Biden administration also sanctioned countless entities and individuals in Judea and Samaria.


Where have the last few years gone. It seems like COVID was just last year.

What happened to 21, 22 and 23? I’ve just come back from 3 lovely days on a yacht in the Solent after 5 years since the last time which feels like only a year or so ago.

In reality, we’ve had a couple of trips to Corfu, France and latterly Thailand, but time compresses in a strange way, perhaps more so as one gets older.

My Dad!

I saw this photo on Facebook and it made me think of my dad!

My Dad was born the year that the house we live in was built – 1906

He was very much of his generation. He and mum had seen bombs fall over London (Chalk Farm). They’d watched as Doodle-bugs flew over Eastbourne at eye level from the house. They’d had an anti-aircraft shell fly through what would be my bedroom window, through two walls and land unexploded in the toilet.

They knew real austerity. They knew loss. They did not have the luxuries of our modern day. They saw friends go to war and not come back. They were teetotal , clean living, clean speaking and God-fearing.

I remember our first Television,; our first twin tub washing machine. I helped mum “mangle” the clothes. They were very different times.

As a teenager I would argue like made with my dad over social issues. I can’t remember any detail but I know that the world was changing, becoming hip and cool. He was a true Liberal of his day. But he was very conservative. He loved Enoch Powell and all he stood for.

So with hindsight and age I now so understand the sheer shock of the Sixties to my parents! Mods and Rockers fighting on Brighton beach! Drugs, sex and rock’n’roll! What did they make of Woodstock!?

The changes that happened within a very short space of time were very hard to digest and frankly the beginning of the end, with things like the legalisation of abortion, homosexuality and the easing of divorce laws. Co-habitation became acceptable, even the word “bastard” began to change its meaning as illegitimate children stopped being a shame on families.


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