Young or old earth?
As I say elsewhere, please accept that this page is very much “under-construction”. As I say elsewhere
I am actually not convinced either way as to the age of the earth and how God created man, but an “old earth” creates all kinds of anomalies for a “Bible believing Christian”.
Both literal and metaphorical readings of Genesis 1-6 leave us with massive theological problems.
It is very much part of “progressive Christianity” to not take the Bible literally but look for analogies, symbolism, parables and at times simply the ignorance of ancient peoples, to explain why what it says in the Bible, in the words of the song, “ain’t necessarily so”.
Both literal and metaphorical readings of Genesis 1-6 leave us with massive theological problems. Because the whole flow of scripture can be reduced down to “How did sin enter the world“, “How did God deal with sin?” and “How do I and my eternal destiny fit in?”
It is not enough for a Christian to say I know Christ died for me and I’m not going to worry myself about the detail !!!!
Was Adam the first man? What about dinosaurs? Where did death come from? What about evolution, hasn’t science proved that there is no need for God? and many more questions . . . . . . .

For a very full set of pages given over to the 6 day creation belief it is simplest to go to especially their page on Dinosaurs and soft tissue in fossils.
See also “Darwin and Racism“
Meanwhile here I share an argument against a “literal” 6 day interpretation of Genesis. To my mind he creates as many problems as he thinks he is solving trying to argue from scripture that the earth is billions of years old.