Does God exist? – Malcolm in the Middle

Does God exist?

A few lecture links below for the serious enquirer. Ultimately the question that any serious enquirer has to face and answer is “Did the Resurrection happen”. Thet is the very crux of the matter. It changes everything. There is life after death. Jesus is the creator of that life.

This is a must watch.

What caused God?

If the universe did not cause itself and was caused by God, what caused God? Kirk Durston.

Does God even exist?

I share this because Christopher Hitchens epitomises for me the tragic sadness of the atheist position. A world without God is a very lonely, hopeless, sad place, assuming it could exist without Him having made it.

Hitchens very much reminds me of Satan’s logic, not that God doesn’t exist, but that one doesn’t accept Him for who he is.

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