TRUMP – Malcolm in the Middle


A friend has described Trump as like”a badly cast actor in a play”.

If you have followed me on Facebook you can be forgiven for thinking that I am some sort of right-wing “Trump can do no wrong” advocate. However, I’m sorry to disappoint, that isn’t true.

I have always been slightly left of centre politically. You cannot read the words of Jesus, in my humble opinion, and conclude that an uncontrolled free market capitalist economy will benefit everyone through “trickle down”. The rich get richer and generally the poor poorer unless there is some degree of distribution of wealth.

politics is not a binary, right or wrong, good or bad

Despite current trendy thinking, politics is not a binary, just right or wrong, good or bad. I well remember thinking how awful Thatcher was:- coal minor strikes; Poll Tax riots; selling off council housing; the Falklands war; etc. But with the benefit of hindsight, and helpful documentaries and dramas, ones’ views do get modified.

We have tragically degenerated into binary politics. “Biden Good; Trump Bad” or vice versa.

I know many of you think of him as virtually the anti-Christ. But at least watch the video at the bottom of this page.

Nothing is black and white. Only in terms of gender and computers is the world “binary“. As I continue to reflect upon the outgoing and incoming administrations I become more and more aware that a President does not make decisions alone. S/he is the mouthpiece of an entire administration. In Trump’s case there was a huge Christian lobby influencing policy.

From day one PRAYER became a feature of gatherings in the Whitehouse. But any Christian observer of the videos released from the outset will have seen Trump’s awkwardness. Some would say insincerity and lack of personal faith. Is he a believer? God alone knows. It was said of him that he believed in the “Power of Prayer”, which is a whole different statement to “he believes in Jesus”.

Did he ever repent of his sins and receive forgiveness? Is he “saved”? Again, God alone knows or maybe a few ‘close’ friends. I say ‘close’ since I fear that maybe he doesn’t really have any!

prayer leaders saw him as a kind of King Cyrus bringing about God’s will in the nation

Many will say that Donald drew Christian leaders in so as to capture and secure a huge voter base. Clearly many prophetic / ‘intercessary’ prayer leaders saw him as a kind of King Cyrus bringing about God’s will in the nation. Cyrus was not a Jew. He was not a believer in the God of the Jews. Yet he championed them.

Supporting pro-life policies and being pro-Israel pretty much sealed the deal for many Christians (including myself). This was new for any recent President. This was touching holy ground. This was revolutionary stuff, compared to Obama or Clinton for sure.

One might ponder how differently things would have gone had Mike Pence been President.

Meanwhile I leave you with two thoughts.

First, TRUMP may be the first President in history who actually carried out his campaign promises! Over half the American voters wanted him to build a wall, restrict immigration, reverse climate change proposals, reduce taxes, etc. He gave them what they wanted.

Four years later it seems that a slight majority didn’t like what he’d done and he lost the 2020 election. That folks is American “democracy” and all his hard work sadly of course Biden came in and fulfilled his promises!

Second, the turn out in 2021 was exceptionally high. As a result TRUMP gained more votes as a sitting President than any previous President. He only lost because the Democrat vote was exceptionally and questionably high (yes I still hold to the possibility!).

Finally, a short resume of the achievements of the Trump administration.–XvfucsOY-HLApMfqcfzSmJM9pDzQCp0RtGPQynUaIL8k7bb4cnM

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