The U S A and “the way we were”
As I start this page I wonder if it is more of a blog, but here goes.
I watched the events in America during 2020 with deep concern. It wqas as if there was a concerted attack on all that was decent and wholesome, sane and sensible, caring and compassionate. It is almost irre;levant as to who fired the first shot, the battle was real, the misunderstandings enormous, the overstatements of position frightening, the simplifications desperate and the accusations mind-boggling.
As I type I am on day four of COVID quarantine and far too much fairly useless time on my hands. I’ve been News channel hopping, and its disturbing to see what is considered newsworthy around the globe. I particularly like RT and Al Jazeera as a balance to Sky and the Beeb. Not to mention GB News. Sorry I mentioned them!
It was all Trump’s fault!
Last year the woes of America were all down to Trump. COVID; Black Lives; the Alt Right; riots (sorry “peace demonstrations”); looting; defunding the police; removing statues; poverty; inequality; a pro-life upsurge – all down to Trump and the ignorant 50% plus of voters who elected him of course. It was all over the media. Every channel filled with footage.
The answer? Remove Trump of course. Bring in a nice guy. A “progressive”. Progress is always good, right?
It’s not Biden’s fault!
So I have to rely on non-mainstream feeds to see the border chaos and the drug cartel problems; the continuing riots in Portland (oh yes, they’ve carried on anyway despite Biden). I have RT to thank for seeing the footage of mass looting in America. No-one wants to challenge the “good guys”; the leftist agenda, except maybe Texas! The economy in dire straits, inflation through the roof, homelessness and poverty on the rise; COVID still a massive issue and Democrats fleeing the sinking ship amidst Harris – Biden infighting (RT).
And in the middle of all this people die. Just overnight another mass shooting in a school by a young man with a gun that his parents bought him as a present! And there’s Rittenhouse! Another victim of gun culture whose carrying of a lethal weapon for self defence led to another’s unecessary death. Now found not guilty by the courts he is still held guilty by those who want to label, accuse and cancel.
The way we were
Thanks again to COVID the other day I watched “The Way We Were” starring Barbara Streisand & Robert Redford*. Expecting a 1970’s love story I was surprised to be watching a political commentary on the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s very well crafted into a hard to watch ‘love story’ from a 1970’s mindset.
It could have been made today as an observation on our “cancel culture”. Leftist idealogues calling anyone who differed with them “fascists”. The promulgation of communism amongst the young as the solution to the world’s problems (despite the evidenc). Protests. People, even film producers, losing their jobs over their political beliefs. Government inquiries. It’s all there. All set against a backdrop of a real war against real fascism and a cold war against communism.

If you’ve never seen the film there’s a good description here.
Set in the period from the mid-1930s to the 1950s, a love story involving two markedly different people. Katie is an idealistic, uptight, Stalin-loving political activist. Hubbell is an easy-going, athletic, all American-type, and a talented writer. We see their different personalities affect their relationship and how they (almost) manage despite the differences… italics mine
I also found the film depressing in it’s possibly unconcious portrayal of a promiscous world in which real love and loyalty do not exist and marriage is non-existent. A child is born to a single mum whose “partner” leaves her. In that regard, thank you Hollywood. Great job, not! But as a political/social commentary well worth a watch.
*P.S. Is it me or did Redford go to the same drama school as Pinoccio?