LG ….. the alphabet people – Malcolm in the Middle

LG ….. the alphabet people

It would seem that I may have to have a number of pages covering different aspects of what Douglas Murray calls the alphabet people.

I must start by saying that as a Christian I believe that God has set down principles for how we, as his created “children”, should live. He designed us, understood our weaknesses and potential to self-destruct and want to put boundaries in place. Since Adam, with Eve’s help, took the first disatrous step it has been mostly downhill, as the Bible makes very clear. BUT … It is not for me, or anyone else to tell any individual what they should or shouldn’t do within the socially agreed laws and norms. So the challenge for people of faith today is that society’s norms are falling down a hole. We can’t follow; we should advise otherwise; we can’t force. Churches are very much at risk of either becoming so-called “inclusive” i.e. God doesn’t really have a problem with your sin

Back in the day the issue was people who felt attracted to members of the same sex experienced massive amounts of prejudice, sometimes violence. If you go back far enough, but still in my lifetime, homosexuality was effectively illegal.

The point that Murray (gay himself) and others make is that the alphabet people are NOT a community. Homosexuals and lesbians have nothing in common. Indeed Murray would argue that some gay men have a distinct dislike of lesbians. In turn they both dislike so-called bi-sexuals. As for so-called trans-people. What lesbian would want to get into a relationship with a woman who is actually biologically a man. I mean seriously? It is also baffling that a man should want to mutilate himself so as to be as much like a woman as he can be and then want to date a woman! Madness!

Finally of course the alphabetti soup now contains poor folk who decide what they want to be each morning, including a cat, dog or unicorn. This is simply what back in the day we would have called mental illness.

I highly recommend the discussion here http://crosstownservices.co.uk/malcolminthemiddle/trans-mysogyny/

Oxfam it seems have now lost the plot as well. Can they not stick to real human rights issues of persecution, war, poverty and starvation?!


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