Climate Change? – Malcolm in the Middle

Climate Change?

It seems to me that any debate over whether or not the Climate is changing is a moot point. Whether mankind’s actions are warming the planet or not, which by the way I believe is true, we should anyway be looking at conserving the scarce resources of the only planet we have!

Every time I drive my car, turn on my cooker or my central heating I have done something essentially selfish! I have used up resources for the sake of my convenience, my comfort. Resources that won’t be there now for anyone else to use either tomorrow or next century. On top of that of course I have added some CO2 into the atmosphere.

I do though love Jordan Peterson’s complete pragmatism ….. Greta has a point, but what are we going to do about it? Indeed is there anything we can do about it? Jordan suggests a counter-intuitive solution.

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