“Misgendering” – Malcolm in the Middle


It seems unbelievable that the police are now arresting people simply for publicly identifying a man, who “feels he is a woman”, as a man. Similarly the police allow the flying of the Palestinian and various terror organisations flags (fear) whilst detaining anyone flying a Union flag. Absolute nonsense.

The thing those have in common is the placating of any group who in a current situation are in the majority (fear); Palestinian supporter v. Jew; Gay/Trans/whatever activist v. Christian. As we have seen recently the police only have to have a complaint that someone’s feelings have been offended (preacher/ singer/ silent pray-er) and arrest is inevitable!

We even see a particular individual being regularly arrested for highlighting the rape of young women by organised gangs. It would appear to be for fear of offending a particular vocal racial/religious group. Truth and justice stood on their head.

We have a crisis of common sense across the “western world”. We have gone “choice” mad. We have elevated the rights of individuals above that of the community (fear). We are allowing age old “norms” and values, the wisdom of ages, to be destroyed. Anarchy by the back door.

The very term “misgendering” is a modern invention carried along on a wave of the fear of offending.

My T shirt slogan would read “XX-XY a simple truth you can’t deny”.

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