Evolution or creation? – Malcolm in the Middle

Evolution or creation?

One of the regular conversations I get into at The Cross in Town in Reading is the one with what I call “Evangelical Atheists”. Those who are so convinced that science has disproved the existence of God that they will get quite heated that any “idiot” (and I quote) could possibly believe these days. The Bible is an ancient set of myths, blah. Jesus didn’t exist or was a madman, blah, blah. Evolution is a proven fact and the fossil record proves it, blah, blah, blah. (Apologies to Greta Thunberg).

It almost makes me weep because the anger isn’t a rational response. No God, no problem. Walk away. But this is more. Invariably when you dig down, the real issue is that they do believe but the God they imagine must exist is not nice.

Does science deny God?


Does nature point to Darwinian evolution or creation?


Rather bizarrely atheists actually believe in miracles!

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