Editing History – Malcolm in the Middle

Editing History

Or not!

Neil Oliver Unlocks History Why we shouldn’t try to destroy history by tearing down statues and the like so as to erase the memory of the darker side of British history.

One of the things that ISIS did which I thought was wicked was the destruction of ancient monuments. I realise that to a strict Moslem pagan buildings were erected to false gods, churches too erected in honour of a false god and a false messiah, and should be destroyed, along with Christians, but to the more western mind such things are at the very least the history of the land.

There is a parallel to tearing down statues. If we are not careful all we do is remove the reminders of the past. Rather like the memorials and murals in Belfast or Derry which reflect the extremely painful partisan feelings of the opposing sides, it would be a tragedy if they were ever whitewashed over, since in better times they will stand to remind people how far they have come. The summer of 2020 of course became almost ridiculous, a game of spot the next historic figure to go out of favour! In the end we had men who had opposed slavery being attacked because they weren’t woke enough back in the 1700’s! See also “Blackwashing History

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