Politics – Malcolm in the Middle

Category: Politics

The Red Heifer!

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How close are the end times? No really?

The sacrifice of the Red Heifer has happened only 9 times in Jewish history. The last was not long before the coming of Christ.

Jews believe that the 10th Red Heifer sacrifice will usher in the coming of Messiah. In order to qualify for sacrifice the heifer has to be completely red (brown!) without any two hairs of a different colour adjacent to each other. The heifer has to be in its third year. In 2022 5 red heifers were imported from the United States in readiness for at least one to qualify for sacrifice. They are currently under heavy security on a farm in Shiloh (where Joshua set up the Tabernacle).

This 10th sacrifice could happen around Passover this year, i.e. any time now. It will trigger the process of rebuilding the temple (destroyed by the Romans) on the Temple Mount. This of course is the last thing that Moslems want and as you’ll hear in the YouTube footage below one of the reasons for October 7th was anger around the existence of the Heifers and the implications for the possible destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount to make way for the new Jewish Temple. Neither religion can countenance their temple being alongside the other’s. Some might argue that the Islamic Temple is what Jesus (and Daniel) referred to as the “Abomination of Desolation“. The Daniel prophecy will of course be on the minds of practising Jews in this context.

BTW there was an article in the Guardian a few years back.

What is truly intriguing is that Moslems are also looking for the coming of Messiah, well sort of, Mah·​di ˈmä-dē who assumes a messianic role before the return of Jesus. The huge irony for Moslems however is that the Bible predicts the coming of the one commonly called “The AntiChrist” – in 2 Thessalonians 2 we read, “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.”

The Qur’an even says that the Mahdi will rule for seven years. The exact same time as the Bible says the Anti-Christ will rule for! Why Mohammad didn’t have a better grasp of Christian teaching is remarkable. He dared to have more knowledge of the life and person of Jesus than the Apostles it seems, yet he missed this crucial point. Of course being apparently illiterate he couldn’t have read the Bible, so he was making stuff up from hearsay and snippets of information and downright imagination.

So is Jesus coming back a mere seven years or so from now? If so of course we have the seven years of Islamic domination of the world to get through!

I have been astounded at the effect of October 7th. Far from alienating people to Islam it has generated a bizarre backlash against Israel and by association Christians. Perhaps if that gets worse it might mean that Israel says, “Enough is enough, we will tear down the Mosque!”

I used to read Daniel and Revelation with some excitement, like a good Sci-Fi film! But the nearer the reality comes, the less romantic death and destruction on a collosal scale sounds!

See also Tews and Christian persecution and October 7th from the menu bar.

Time to pray.

Shalom and Maranatha.

Five months into this new level of conflict between Israel and Hamas and we seem to face an inevitable catastrophe whatever Israel do.

First let me state that I hold the official government line that Israel as a democratic state has the right to defend itself.

Second, I am am at heart a pacifist. I consider all war a ridiculous and tragic symptom of human sin. But, I equally wonder for instance what Europe would be like today if we had simply surrendered to Hitler. If you get to the end of this you’ll see my remarks on the Crusades!

Israelis were viciously, mercilessly and savagely attacked by Hamas in the most brutal and inhumane way imaginable. There was no question that a military response was inevitable. This I believe was the intent of Hamas. They wanted to provoke what they knew would be all hell let loose! And that is what they got, albeit in a measured and carefully controlled manner. The IDF are perhaps the most modern, professional and moderate military in the world.

If HAMAS truly wanted peace they could have laid down their arms and returned the hostages within days, admitted their mistake and repented!!!! As if that was going to happen. Anyone who has studied Islam knows that there is at its core a justification of violence and a glorification of martyrdom.

I have been horrified at the response of a certain vocal minority across the developed world. Our streets have been filled with calls for the genocide of the Jews, “from the river to the sea“! I am of a generation that grew up in the disgrace and shadow of the holocaust. I never dreamt that I would see a day when Anti-Semitism (*) would openly rear its ugly head again. Frankly it sickens me.

Islam from its inception has hated both Jews and Christians. The Jews because of Isaac and Ishmael. The Christians because of Jesus, a blasphemer and liar, albeit bizarrely a revered “prophet” in the eyes of Moslems.

As we head through February the calls worldwide for a ceasefire have grown even among those countries that have supported Israel. But WHAT IS ISRAEL TO DO?

If the IDF withdraws now they will leave a “state”, that has had self-governance since 2005, with the inevitability of HAMAS retaining control, returning to their old tunnel-building and with no means or will(+) to rebuild the ruins. UNWRA has been discredited. The truth about the tunnels suggests that many countries will be reticent to fund “rebuilding“.

Israel withdrew all Jews from Gaza in 2005, effectively creating the much vaunted two state “solution”. But Hamas did not use that position positively.

I suggest that the only feasible conclusion for this is for Israel to reoccupy the Gaza Strip, reunify it as part of Israel, and not rebuild it but BUILD it! Do what Hamas failed to do. Gaza could blossom as the rose just like much of the rest of Israel. There is certainly potential for tourism (note the small picture above of Gaza beach), amongst other things, once Hamas are gone and peace is restored. Imagine how much money would be saved by Israel if the Iron Dome was no longer needed. Gazan Arabs could live at peace “in Israel” just as the other 20% of Israeli Arabs do.

However, how can Israel build trust among the Arab inhabitants after the death and destruction that is being inflicted upon them? Perhaps the fairest comparison would be the rebuilding of Germany after WW2 having rid the country of Nazism. Few Germans objected to the mass slaughter by Allied bombing that seemed necessary to bring Hitler to his knees.

Not Israel’s border but Egypt’s border with Gaza

Are you not puzzled as to why other Moslem countries are reticent to help Gazans? Why is Eqypt reinforcing its fence? Why have they not opened their border to “refugees”? Is it the fear that thousands of Hamas fighters would pour in too? Oh and by the way, this nonsense about “refugees” in Gaza. The so-called camps are mostly blocks of flats, not encampments. Gazans have had 19 years to get over their refugee victim mentally, but it plays in their favour.

Tragically therefore I see no end to this war on terror, even if Israel have to fight alone while the rest of the western world fund the war against Russia. Hamas (ISIS, Taliban, Hezbollah – call them what you will) must be resisted and preferably deconstructed if the Middle East is to find peace. Spoiler alert – the Bible suggests that is unlikely till Messiah comes.


Lastly a quick comment on the Crusades! Once Christianity became established as a “national” religion across European countries (A.D. 300 onwards) a military clash with Islam (A.D. 700) was inevitable if tragic. What were ‘we’ supposed to do in the face of Moslems rampaging and raping across Europe?

As we are still witnessing today, once politics, religion and the military get welded together, peace is unlikely to result. In the case of the Crusades, our “valiant” warriors were guilty of the most horrendous atrocities against both Moslem and ironically Jews (on the grounds that they killed Jesus!). Taking up arms is never a good solution, especially not for the soldiers and civilians that get in the way. Hamas and other Islamic entities clearly don’t believe that. So what is Israel to do?

(+) Hamas have clearly ‘wasted’ the billions of dollars given to them for development in buying weapons and building tunnels instead of investing in infrastructure, squirreling away vast sums so that their leaders can live in luxury anywhere but in Gaza!

(*) for the pedantic reader please note that I am aware that Arabs (at least some) are in fact Semites themselves, which raises interesting questions. I am also aware that 10 of the 12 original Hebrew tribes appear to have “vanished” and could therefore be among those that today we call Arabs. DNA tests could prove fascinating if not dynamite!

There is a court case going on in America because a pro-life organisation managed to “steal” over 100 aborted fetuses from a medical waste incineration plant.

The complete evil of this is that killing the babies and cremating them in a commercial plant was legal, but stealing the corpses so that they could be given proper burials is illegal.

What a horrible mixed up world we have created.

Article here

Or watch the video

I often listen to Talk Radio (“The home of common sense”) and am very aware that it tends to lean to the right, or maybe better put, tends to lean towards more traditional values held by older people (?). Yay, me!

The other day I decided to try LBC for a change. I’ve listened before and realised that most of the presenters lean left/liberal. It was the anniversary of the “Storming the Capitol” in Washington and they played all of Kamala and most of Joe’s speeches in full. It almost made me feel sick. Kamala banging on as to how the incident would go down in history up there with Pearl Harbour and 9-11! How Senators had felt their lives in danger (note no weapons had been carried into the Capitol that day, except by security and police). Biden waffling on as he always does. All in all a blatant political points-scoring episode openly attacking Trump and denying any ballot rigging, etc. etc.

I’m not saying that the invasion of the Capitol was right.

Now, I’m not saying that the invasion of the Capitol was right. Far from it. But it seemed to be a mixture of possibly a staged event, organised by a small faction of right-wingers but most certainly carrying along, in the heat of the moment, several hundred passionate Trump supporters who had “seen the election stolen from them.” If you listen to the ‘right‘ media you’ll find that Trump did not instigate this and tried to calm things down, but passions were running high.

The crowd were not carrying firearms as an organised insurrection would have required. Only one person was shot and that by a security guard. The other people who died included one heart attack. Once the crowd was inside they seemed to do little more than wander about aimlessly wondering what to actually do apart from throwing papers around, putting feet up on a desk or daring to stand at a podium with a bull horn, looking rather ridiculous. My mind goes again to the Colston Four being let off because they “had a point” whereas these guys get to do jail time. Sorry gaol time.

Oh how I’m glad to live in the U.K.

But for LBC, if that wasn’t enough, when we came back to the presenters in the studio all we got was more leftist/liberal biased commentary. No critique. No challenging. No balance. No-one phoning in to comment from a different perspective.

that’s me done with LBC

So I guess that’s me done with LBC (Liberal Biased Commentary). Back to Talk Radio with James Whale, Jeremy Kyle et al. Some humour. Lot’s of debate. Callers with varying viewpoints. Banter. Strong opinions. But above all FREE SPEECH!

Rumours of Piers Morgan coming on as a presenter. That’ll be fun.

As a child, from the age of about 8 I over indulged in chocolate and became overweight. The end result was name calling, being the last to be chosen in team sports and low self-esteem. When I was in, I think, my second year at Grammar school (still overweight) we went on a school trip to the Rhineland, to a lovely little place called Boppard, near Koblenz. As was the habit then, prefects came along to “look after” the younger boys. One of them decided it would be a laugh to come into the room I was sharing with two others and throw a cake at us. My instant reaction was to pick it up and throw it back, missing him sadly but making a bit of a mess down the stairwell. For that I got the cane.

I have long since forgiven the teacher concerned. He had the reputation of the school in mind, possibly even the image of the English abroad (O K probably not). It was simply the way back then. BUT!

All my life I have had a sense of fairness, of right and wrong, of putting things right.

It left me with an indelible sense of justice and injustice.

I knew that I had not really done anything that bad. I was the “victim” of an attack. Foolhardy maybe for retaliating, but it was in the heat of the moment. I should have been exonerated, not punished. Indeed I had always been “a good boy”, brought up not to swear, to fight, to steal (not even scrumping I recall). The sort of boy who was called to the headmaster’s office not to be punished but to explain “what really happened”, because I could be trusted.

All my life I have therefore had a sense of fairness, of right and wrong, of the need to put things right.

There are ways of doing things in a decent society, and ways of not doing things.

And so to Bristol.

It does somewhat beggar belief that an act that was filmed by many witnesses and confessed to in court can effectively be deemed not to have happened!

Now I am not arguing for one minute that the removal of the statue of Colston wasn’t long overdue, as was the renaming of buildings he funded. Bristol Council should have dealt with this decades ago. I can also almost excuse the people who tore it down as being carried along in the heat of the moment (Hmmm, half an hour or more I would hazard – time to check one’s conscience?). However to find them not guilty is a travesty of justice.

We have all done things, perhaps as children, that with hindsight we know were wrong. Should we have been punished? No, probably not. But should we be told that we did nothing wrong? Absolutely NO. In this case by so doing we not only turn these four into some kind of justice freedom fighters but open a very dangerous door to vandals everywhere.

What the judge appears to be saying is that if you believe in something passionately enough, or you just get a bit carried away, then you are justified in doing whatever you choose. It really doesn’t take a law degree to see the flaws in that argument!

There are ways of doing things in a decent society, and ways of not doing things. This was mob rule.

What would I have done you ask? I’d have found them guilty as charged, but then have seriously considered what was an appropriate punishment given the context and the numbers of other people cheering them on! I might even have used the opportunity to draw attention to the greater evils that were being protested. But to overlook criminal damage, no. That would be like justifying setting fire to car lots in Cleveland or looting in Portland. No. Simply no.

We keep coming back to the issue of how we deal with history and how we view ourselves as a result. Are we controlled by our past or liberated from it? Am I particularly bad just because I was born white? Am I forever a victim because I was born black? And for “black” you can substitute Jewish, Moslem, Hispanic, Irish, working class, etc. etc.



Meanwhile over the pond a very different approach . . . . . .


How easily it seems we have begun the slide towards totalitarianism. Oh of course it is packaged as being for our good, or at least the greater good.

The latest example is “Saint Jacinda’s war on fags

“It is a curious irony that the West’s leading progressive icon is probably the most authoritarian leader in the free world today.”

I quote, “It is a curious irony that the West’s leading progressive icon is probably the most authoritarian leader in the free world today. Since sweeping to power in 2017, the New Zealand prime minister has been repeatedly lauded by the London intelligentsia as the ideal model of a liberal, centrist premier. This is despite the blessed Jacinda‘s stock response to every public policy crisis being to restrict or ban the offending phenomena in question. After Christchurch it was guns; for Covid it was lockdowns, with bans on the unvaccinated. Now Ardern has stumbled onto the solution to smoking: why not simply ban cigarettes?”

I was watching a Smithsonian Channel episode on Adolf Hitler the other day. Wow, I mean what an incredible man. Adored by the ordinary people, he almost single-handedly turned the defeat of the First World War and the economic crisis of the 20’s into a glorious victory for the German people. Fantastic new motor vehicles, a futuristic motorway system, railway expansion and new aircraft. An economic revival like no other in history some might argue. The restoration of national pride to a defeated people. What a great man? Er, wait, hold it just there!

All that glistens is not gold!

Hopefully I had you going there for a moment. But I trust my point is made. All that glistens is not necessarily gold. Leadership is a very tricky thing. On the face of it the governments of the world have all acted in the best interests of their people to protect them from a horror of global proportions. But at what cost?

How many freedoms are we prepared to forego in the name of the greater good? How much economic pain? How many deaths from undiagnosed and untreated illnesses?

Politicians have had centuries to perfect the technique of making black look, well if not exactly white, then at least light grey! We are often told that we are given “informed choices“. That was certainly said of the vaccines. But in reality the information amounted to no more than “trust me, I’m a scientist“. I honestly still have no idea what these “vaccines” are, how they work, why we keep having to have more. Trust is a lovely dangerous thing.

In the 1930’s the German people saw the good stuff that was going on, were kept in the dark as to more unpleasant agendas and were reluctant to go against the shiney new culture than was bringing such great results. Socialism is good, right? And what is wrong with a bit of National pride? Don’t rock the boat and we can create a brave new world.

Trust is a lovely dangerous thing

The way we were

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Thanks again to COVID the other day I watched “The Way We Were” starring Barbara Streisand & Robert Redford*. Expecting a 1970’s love story I was surprised to be watching a political commentary on the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s very well crafted into a hard to watch ‘love story’ from a 1970’s mindset.

It could have been made today as an observation on our “cancel culture”. Leftist idealogues calling anyone who differed with them “fascists”. The promulgation of communism amongst the young as the solution to the world’s problems (despite the evidence). Protests. People, even film producers, losing their jobs over their political beliefs. Government inquiries. It’s all there. All set against a backdrop of a real war against real fascism and a cold war against communism.

If you’ve never seen the film there’s a good description here.

Set in the period from the mid-1930s to the 1950s, a love story involving two markedly different people. Katie is an idealistic, uptight, Stalin-loving political activist. Hubbell is an easy-going, athletic, all American-type, and a talented writer. We see their different personalities affect their relationship and how they (almost) manage despite the differences… italics mine

I also found the film depressing in it’s possibly unconcious portrayal of a promiscous world in which real love and loyalty do not exist and marriage is non-existent. A child is born to a single mum whose “partner” leaves her. In that regard, thank you Hollywood. Great job, not! But as a political/social commentary well worth a watch.

*P.S. Is it me or did Redford go to the same drama school as Pinoccio?

For a fuller commentary on the USA go here

COVID and me

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So, I have COVID.

First reaction has to be that the vaccines have worked. That is to say I’m not dead yet and no signs of dying. This is just a bad bout of cold. Slightly tickly throat, runny nose, a dull ache around my eyes, muscle ache, slight giddiness, and lethargy. O K , maybe flu, not a cold! No particular problems breathing.

So to Vax or not to Vax. Well, that’s a notty one. It would seem from the above that they work, at least to an extent. I’ve still caught COVID, but it doesn’t seem to be killing me. BUT. What if they now tell us that we have to get injected every 3 months to maintain immunity? What if the variants keep defying science? What if the vaccinations end up killing us?

What if the vaccinations end up killing us?

Yep, you read right. But no I’m not going down the conspiracy theories route. I have to believe that this is too big to be some planned “Big Pharma”, “Illuminate”, Bill Gates inspired world domination masterplan. Where’s Bond when you need him (or her)?

As I understand it the vaccinations are not the traditional form of a mild version of the real thing, they are “harmless” artificial viruses that should trigger our natural immune system into identifying and fighting COVID-like viruses. But will such interference over time reduce our natural immune system’s ability to fight disease? Have we, in our “follow the science” optimism or arrogance played God and interferred with nature, getting ourselves into an ever increasing dependency on medical intervention?

Someone has suggested that we have effectively introduced AIDS to everyone! That sounds overly dramatic, but if we have introduced a man-made substance into our bodies, there’s no going back, no retrieval system and we’ve done it to millions. Rather like chemo-therapy, is the treatment worse than the disease?!

Well, anyway, there’s 7 billion of us. Worse case Bill Gates gets his population reduction! The planet becomes more sustainable. People can stop gluing their hands to motorways …………………………

Oh, just remembered, GOD! Oh yes Him. I seem to recall there is some kind of master plan, an end times, a winding up (or down) of all things. A return. A Kingdom to come.

COVID passports nothing. I’d better check that my Kingdom Passport is up to date!

This post changed as I wrote it as you’ll see if you stick with it.

Headline today “Police officer who killed black man in Minnesota traffic stop went to use Taser but fired her pistol ‘by accident‘” WHAT?

How, we ask ourselves? Yet another tragic death of someone who seems to have been guilty of relatively minor criminal offences. Shot dead because the officer made a terrible mistake in the heat of the moment. Distracted? Scared? Who knows, but tragic none the less, and the timing couldn’t be worse as another police officer comes close to sentencing over the death of George Floyd.

I think I’ve said something similar elsewhere, but I continue to be astounded that anyone ignores the instructions of armed police officers, knowing that they just might shoot! Put your hands on the dashboard! Simple. Get out of the vehicle! Simple. Get down on the ground! Simple.

So why not do as you are asked rather than escalating the situation and risking being shot? Why?

I post this link from a few days ago by way of illustration. Even a serving soldier cannot follow a simple order! Why?

But changing tack a little, here’s something that I had not appreciated. Policing in America has changed radically since the begining of the “war on terror”. It is frankly shocking.

Here you can see how in less than 20 years the American Police Force has changed into an Army! Do watch.

If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck …….. Policeman or Soldier?

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