Can religions co-exist? – Malcolm in the Middle

Can religions co-exist?

To listen to the media one would think that all we have to do is accept that other people have different views of life and we should just happily rub along together. Thus images like the one above. As if all religions and philosophies were somehow equal!

Of course this is all nonsense.

The image suggest that Gender ideologies can co-exist with Islam, a religion that quite happily advocates killing homosexuals and all other deviants except bigamists of course.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam equally cannot co-exist since under Sharia the other two are required to convert (revert!), pay Jizya tax or die. Great choices. Thanks Mo.

One thing all the religions have in common is that one can leave them without penalty. Oh, no, hang on I forgot, apostasy from Islam is punishable by death.

Then we have a small reference to Satanism. No need to even comment.

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