Black Lives Matter and the U K – Malcolm in the Middle

Black Lives Matter and the U K

I engaged with this subject a lot last year on Social Media. It is a painful and emotive subject. I hope I can add to this page, indeed pages.

A friend asked me in February 2021 why I was unhappy at the BLM organisation being proposed for a “Peace Prize”! It was a question which took me by surprise! I’m guessing that it all depends on what Social Media feeds one’s algorithms point one to, but I was pretty shocked. It caused me to visit their website and boy have they amended it! The Spectator clearly checked it out before it was toned down – read here. Gone now are the openly communist leanings. Gone is the reference to wanting to destroy the nuclear family. Welcome to 1984 folks.

Anyway, that is America’s problem. But speaking of America have a look at “The slow black genocide“.

See also the page on George Floyd.

Moving on quickly let us give thanks that we do not live there and be grateful that our history of race relations is very different.

Sadly it seems #BLM has made race relations worse in the U.K. rather than better. We seem to have taken on some of the angst of America when we were in fact much further down the line than them. Very sad,

Here are some starters on Government policy; Critical Race Theory; the dangers of identity politics and more.

On whitewashing and blackwashing history ……..

On blackwashing history! The BBC going overboard on political correctness rather than correctness and teach error rather than actual history.

Short piece but insightful, positive and uplifting.
Matrisse Cullors resigns as it becomes clear she isn’t much of a Marxist after all!

Why Patrice Cullors resigned – the conflict of someone who forgot she was a Marxist and bought property!

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