Abortion – Malcolm in the Middle


It would be hugely amiss of me not to address this issue, but I’m not rushing into it and will add to this page over time.

800 abortions EVERY DAY in the U.K.

My first point must be to highlight that no less that 800 abortions are carried out EVERY DAY in the U.K. alone. That’s 800 potential people, if I can put it like that. It they were children t would be considered nothing less than a genocide!

From a non-christian perspective a human being is nothing more than a body with a brain that provides it with personality, etc. So the issue comes down to when one believes lif begins, or even when does a life become viable and valuable.

If a baby is wanted it has value. If it isn’t wanted it can be killed.

However, from a Christian (and other religions) perspective, a human being is Mind, Body and Spirit. There therefore has to be a point at which the human spirit (soul if you prefer) is created or enters the fetus. Many would argue that it is at conception. When else could it be? Once a sperm enters an egg all the DNA of the future person is sealed, locked in, programmed.

I was stunned by the fuss and furore in the press in early April 2022 over the babies that died in an NHS hospital in the U.K. I cannot get my head around the fact that the “loss” of 200 fetuses is considered wrong, when abortion is legal. It therefore seems to come down to this. If a baby is wanted it has value. If it isn’t wanted it can be killed.

Then again in a world that cannot even define what a woman is, should I be surprised?

Why oh why can people not see the bizarre contradiction surrounding abortion?


One of the huge concerns in America at least is the sale of aborted “tissue”.

Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden say they feel ‘used and betrayed‘ by president on abortion. March 2021.

How can anyone claim to be both pro-family and pro-choice (whatever that means as aborted babies never get the choice!). Pro-abortion clergy–PODCAST.

PELOSI condemned by Bishops as she continues to take communion.

Jordan Peterson nails it!


Two women try yo defend abortion up to birth. It is unbelievable that women hold these views.

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