The Orthodox Cross – Malcolm in the Middle

The Orthodox Cross

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I am not an Orthodoox and know little of the symbolism. I’ve always viewed the various crosses as quaint or simply over elaborate and religious. I certainly didn’t know the last part …………

The short bar across the top is where they nailed the sign to Christ’s Cross which read “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (Luke 23:38). What was intended as an accusation and a mockery became instead a triumphant symbol that all nations would come under the reign of Jesus the King

The long middle bar of course is where Jesus’ hands were nailed into

The slanted bar at the bottom is the footrest of the crucifix. All crucifixes would have had these, as no one could be suspended from a cross by nails alone. The cruel death of a crucifixion was not brought about through blood loss, but by lack of oxygen: exhausted, the man is no longer able to stand straight upon the foot-rest, the body sags, and air can no longer be drawn in

The foot rest is slanted because it is believed in His final moments before Jesus gave up His spirit, His flesh spasmed and the foot-rest was kicked out of place. There is also symbolism to this

It points up from the right side and down on the left to show that the right hand thief in his last moments repented and Christ said that he would be with Him in paradise.

In the middle between two thieves, was Your Cross found as the balance-beam of righteousness;
For while one was lead down to hell by the burden of his blaspheming,
The other was lightened of his sins unto the knowledge of things divine.

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