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If you are anything like me you will be struggling with the bizarre contradiction of two headline pieces of news from March 30th 2022.
Apparently it’s O K to kill a baby, but not to let one die
On the same day an NHS hospital is denounced for having let 200 odd babies die perinataly, whilst Parliament agrees to let mums kill unwanted babies by post. I’m sorry but I simply cannot get my head around the logic of that. Have we simply come to a point where human life no longer has intrinsic value, only value if you’re “wanted“.
Here’s the one “Shrewsbury maternity deaths scandal will spark change – Javid” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-60933936
Meanwhile “MPs vote to keep at-home abortion service” – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60930774
NOTE “Accidently killing a baby is a “SCANDAL”. Intentionally killing one is a “Woman’s Right to Choose”.
How long will God sit by?
20 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. 3 I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molek, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name.
P.S. For anyone who doesn’t read the Bible “children” here refers mainly to babies as it was babies who were being thrown alive into furnaces as sacrifices to a pagan god.
Once again I find myself having to preface a post by saying that I am not convinced in any direction these days. The media is so selective in what it presents; agendas are everywhere; bias is everywhere. We have perhaps sadly seen RT news taken down in the west when it would at least have shown us what Russians are being told. We seem to fixated on having Good Guys and Bad Guys. Zelensky good: Putin Bad. Biden Good: Trump Bad. The West Good: Everyone else Bad! You get the point. So as ever here’s some food for thought, not a settled opinion.
“G. I. Joe” might just become a prophetic statement. Pray NOT!
Joe Biden hints at American soldiers going into the Ukraine and even responding like with like if Putin uses chemical weapons.
Hints of assasinating Putin and bringing regime change in Russia!
Careless, off the cuff words? Yes.
American policy? Hopefully not.
A dangerous President at a very dangerous time in history.
He has tried to retract what he said, but that only underlines how confused and out of control he is.
Is Volodymyr Zelensky all that we have been told or are we being conned by the Western Media?
Good Guy? Bad Guy? Comedian? Serious Politician? Corrupt businessman?
BTW Ukrainians are very similar to Russians culturally. They are way different to the much heralded modern liberal Western mindset.
In fact the Liberal Left have a real problem with the Ukraine. For years Ukrainians have been described as corrupt, Right-Wing, even fascist, resisting immigration, even denying LGBTQi and gender identity demands. Now they need to be seen as innocent victims with western values. Is that #Catch22 or what?!
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