I often listen to Talk Radio (“The home of common sense”) and am very aware that it tends to lean to the right, or maybe better put, tends to lean towards more traditional values held by older people (?). Yay, me!
The other day I decided to try LBC for a change. I’ve listened before and realised that most of the presenters lean left/liberal. It was the anniversary of the “Storming the Capitol” in Washington and they played all of Kamala and most of Joe’s speeches in full. It almost made me feel sick. Kamala banging on as to how the incident would go down in history up there with Pearl Harbour and 9-11! How Senators had felt their lives in danger (note no weapons had been carried into the Capitol that day, except by security and police). Biden waffling on as he always does. All in all a blatant political points-scoring episode openly attacking Trump and denying any ballot rigging, etc. etc.
I’m not saying that the invasion of the Capitol was right.

Now, I’m not saying that the invasion of the Capitol was right. Far from it. But it seemed to be a mixture of possibly a staged event, organised by a small faction of right-wingers but most certainly carrying along, in the heat of the moment, several hundred passionate Trump supporters who had “seen the election stolen from them.” If you listen to the ‘right‘ media you’ll find that Trump did not instigate this and tried to calm things down, but passions were running high.
The crowd were not carrying firearms as an organised insurrection would have required. Only one person was shot and that by a security guard. The other people who died included one heart attack. Once the crowd was inside they seemed to do little more than wander about aimlessly wondering what to actually do apart from throwing papers around, putting feet up on a desk or daring to stand at a podium with a bull horn, looking rather ridiculous. My mind goes again to the Colston Four being let off because they “had a point” whereas these guys get to do jail time. Sorry gaol time.
Oh how I’m glad to live in the U.K.
But for LBC, if that wasn’t enough, when we came back to the presenters in the studio all we got was more leftist/liberal biased commentary. No critique. No challenging. No balance. No-one phoning in to comment from a different perspective.
that’s me done with LBC
So I guess that’s me done with LBC (Liberal Biased Commentary). Back to Talk Radio with James Whale, Jeremy Kyle et al. Some humour. Lot’s of debate. Callers with varying viewpoints. Banter. Strong opinions. But above all FREE SPEECH!
Rumours of Piers Morgan coming on as a presenter. That’ll be fun.