COVID and me – Malcolm in the Middle

COVID and me

| Posted in Health, Kingdom, Politics

So, I have COVID.

First reaction has to be that the vaccines have worked. That is to say I’m not dead yet and no signs of dying. This is just a bad bout of cold. Slightly tickly throat, runny nose, a dull ache around my eyes, muscle ache, slight giddiness, and lethargy. O K , maybe flu, not a cold! No particular problems breathing.

So to Vax or not to Vax. Well, that’s a notty one. It would seem from the above that they work, at least to an extent. I’ve still caught COVID, but it doesn’t seem to be killing me. BUT. What if they now tell us that we have to get injected every 3 months to maintain immunity? What if the variants keep defying science? What if the vaccinations end up killing us?

What if the vaccinations end up killing us?

Yep, you read right. But no I’m not going down the conspiracy theories route. I have to believe that this is too big to be some planned “Big Pharma”, “Illuminate”, Bill Gates inspired world domination masterplan. Where’s Bond when you need him (or her)?

As I understand it the vaccinations are not the traditional form of a mild version of the real thing, they are “harmless” artificial viruses that should trigger our natural immune system into identifying and fighting COVID-like viruses. But will such interference over time reduce our natural immune system’s ability to fight disease? Have we, in our “follow the science” optimism or arrogance played God and interferred with nature, getting ourselves into an ever increasing dependency on medical intervention?

Someone has suggested that we have effectively introduced AIDS to everyone! That sounds overly dramatic, but if we have introduced a man-made substance into our bodies, there’s no going back, no retrieval system and we’ve done it to millions. Rather like chemo-therapy, is the treatment worse than the disease?!

Well, anyway, there’s 7 billion of us. Worse case Bill Gates gets his population reduction! The planet becomes more sustainable. People can stop gluing their hands to motorways …………………………

Oh, just remembered, GOD! Oh yes Him. I seem to recall there is some kind of master plan, an end times, a winding up (or down) of all things. A return. A Kingdom to come.

COVID passports nothing. I’d better check that my Kingdom Passport is up to date!

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