Hosea 8:7 “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”
I approach this very tentatively as it is a very sensitive area.
I have to say that we live in a very confused society. Perhaps the word is conflicted. Over the past few decades there have been radical changes in attitudes towards sex. What 50 years ago would have been classed as pornography is now mainstream on T.V. and film. I would cite “Naked Attrcation” on Channel 4 which has the strapline “The daring dating series that starts where some good dates might end – naked”, as a prime example. What is acceptable in terms of relationships, particularly the normalisation of casual sex has resulted I would suggest in our present predicament where women are not respected as they were.
The “sexual revolution” has backfired. The freedoms that people so desired has led to quite the opposite. Marriage has been devalued. The family has been devalued. The apparent promise of the 60’s expression “If it feels good do it!” has proved sadly hollow.
Having “Street Pastored” I am only too aware that, COVID notwithstanding, Friday and Saturday nights for many younger people is nothing more than a chance to get drunk and get laid.

It’s time to re-evaluate.
Emma Wood describes this situation in no uncertain terms, “Young men have grown up in a culture that tells them that sex is a recreational activity with no deeper significance. Unsurprisingly, then, young men have come to internalise the idea that initiating unwanted sex is on par with initiating an unwanted water fight. It is just a bit of fun, and nothing that any reasonable person should get too upset about.”
Read more …….
The significance of sex — can it be recovered through consent alone?
Emma Wood Posted Tue 16 Mar 2021, 5:02pm Updated Tue 16 Mar 2021, 5:22pm
Social media then filled with images of women shouting abuse at female Police officers.
Tragically the events that then followed around the vigil only uderlined another aspect of our loss of respect. The Police had asked that the vigil should not occur. It then seems that women with an agenda, other than quietly and appropriately lighting a candle in memory of Emma, took this occasion to make their point. Social media then filled with images of women shouting abuse at female Police officers. Does anyone else see the irony in that?
Respect should mean respect.

And the response of the Metropolitan Police in the person of Cressida Dick
(I note in October that the piece does not want to play on the BBC website but does on the Guardian)
I also note in October 2021 that there have been calls for her resignation over misogyny in the Police force. An interesting accusation bearing in mind that she has risen to high office as a woman! So would the anti-misogynists prefer a man in post????