February 2021 – Malcolm in the Middle

Month: February 2021


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The media seem to have a massive filter when it comes to the persecution of Christians. It may be because the “West” is somehow still considered tobe “Christian” and therefore, as the dominant religion, immune from persecution. That is a grave oversight and misrepresentation.

Christians are the most persecuted of all religious groups across the globe.

It is therefore fantastic to see increasing awareness in the British Parliament.

Not a blog!

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I’ve never been a great one for blogging, not to mention vlogging!

I don’t get why people would write a diary for public consumption when diaries are for personal future reflection.

Any posts here will be very seldom indeed. Anything I feel worth saying will be on a page.

As I say on the Disclaimer page, what I share on these pages are personal reflections and experiences.

They should not be read as representing the views, beliefs or attitudes any organisation or church with which I am associated or employed by.

In places they should also be read as ironichumorous, or at best thought provoking.

Thank you

Malc Peirce

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