Good riddance – the world can breathe again
On my Facebook feed this morning someone had posted with reference to Trump’s departure and the inauguration of Joe Biden, “Good riddance the world can breathe again“
That struck me immediately as an unintentionally sick, certainly ironic statement with COVID still being so dominant all over the world and hundreds of thousands dying because they can’t breathe.
It is a tragic irony that the phrase that 2020 will be remembered for is “I can’t breathe“.
Possibly long after George Floyd is forgotten the phrase may live on as the epitaph of the Corona Virus.
Meanwhile, and this is day two of the Biden administration, on the theme of breathing. . . . . . Thousands upon thousands of babies will never get to breathe at all thanks to the inhumanity of Biden et al.
Perhaps my abiding (Abiden?) memories of this last year will be these.
First the hypocrisy of those who praise the violence, hatred and vulgarity of one group of mainly young people as being progressive and justified, whilst condemning similar actions by clearly frustrated and mainly older people. Goose and Gander never was true.
The second will be the uproar, the virtue signalling, the horror expressed over the death of one man as a result of an officer’s negligence (possibly intent) and drug induced complications during an arrest, leading to the burning of whole neighbourhoods, the storming of police stations, the cursing and swearing, the hatred, the social media cancelling. Meanwhile the deaths of millions of babies are sponsored and applauded.
Be not misled, this is a sick world, full of sin. God’s mercy and indeed some might see apparent disinterest, in withholding his hand is more than remarkable.
Unless one interprets the election going the way that it did as God’s judgement on a nation which in short only cares for personal pleasure!